Easy membership plans to reverse PCOS


Telemedicine is quite an effective and time saving process, and nowadays prevalent for treating patients online, we take a complete history of our patients and our team of world-class doctors consult with them accordingly. Food box is dispatched conveniently to your doorstep. Our counselor gets in touch throughout the journey of your treatment and keeps track of your regular progress, diet, yoga and exercise.

Battling with PCOS is a multifold journey. We have taken it in account at wider perspective, our team of world-class doctors; dietician, fitness experts and counselors for providing holistic care for all PCOS symptoms. If you already have a doctor we can make you accessible the team as needed.

After asking a detailed medical and family history, your doctor will check –weight .They may also look at your skin to check for extra hair growth, acne, and discolored skin and hair loss.

  • Presence of cysts in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus/womb (endometrium) will be checked using the ultra sonographic examination.
  • Blood test will be carried out to check the levels of androgen,along with other tests as and when required.

This program will help you holistically, your overall PCOS symptoms will be reversed gradually and successively you will achieve pregnancy if you don’t have any other pathology which is making it difficult for you to conceive.

You will notice your periods are becoming regular; your weight which was affected by PCOS will be reduced or gained as per your condition. You will feel happy and energetic, scalp hair loss will be reduced and your skin will start improving.

Facial hairs are grown due to higher androgen levels as soon as hormones are balanced your excessive facial hair growth will be stopped and you will feel super confident.

As soon as you register yourself with us, our counselor stays always in touch with you during your journey of PCOS reversal; you can easily connect with her anytime when needed.

PCOS can be prevented through lifestyle management; there is no permanent cure for PCOS. Once you become a PCOS warrior your life will be completely changed, this is a new avenue where you are carved as a better person and will repel endless possibilities of many other diseases.

Yes, all symptoms due to PCOS will be treated which includes weight gain, scalp hair loss and acne. This entire program is focused on helping you to reverse all your symptoms attributable to PCOS. We as a team track your progress throughout your journey and provide best support anytime you require.

Depending on your condition, and your current status of PCOS symptoms we provide the optimum medications. Because we are more inclined towards lifestyle modifications, this programme includes a healthy diet, yoga and exercise.

In a minimum of 90 days, you will start to notice visible changes in your body. Also it depends on how chronically you have been suffering from PCOS.

Gynecologist Consultation

Food Box

Dieticians and Nutritionists

Fitness Experts
